Positive Behavior Intervention Supports
Our goal is to teach students how to behave so they can get along with others and learn. White Center Heights is a positive behavior (PBIS) school which means we have programs and reward systems to teach students to make good choices in behavior and to follow school rules. We have three guidelines for school success:
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
- Be Safe
You will hear your child talk about the Dolphin awards and dolphin tickets. These are all a part of the positive behavior program.
WCH implements the RULER program to build emotional intelligence in our community. RULER is a research based approach to social and emotional learning that helps students learn to regulate their emotions.
RULER teaches five key skills of emotional intelligence:
Recognizing emotions in one’s self and others.
Understanding the causes and consequences of emotions.
Labeling emotions accurately.
Expressing emotions appropriately.
Regulating emotions effectively.
Research shows that emotional intelligence is essential to learning, sound decision making, and success in school and beyond.
RULER is integrated into our academic curriculum and provide opportunities for students to learn and practice self-regulation skills. All classrooms create a Class Charter, use the Mood Meter, Meta Moments and the Blueprint to recognize and manage emotions. We will be launching the Emotion Words Curriculum in 2018. The school will partner with parents to implement RULER at home.
Collaborative Problem Solving Program (CPS)
This program is designed to help those students who need additional social, emotional and behavior support to meet school expectations. CPS focuses on teachers and students talking to identify skills the student is lagging in that prevents the student from meeting expectations. The goal is to foster a collaborative partnership between teachers and students. Through this process of collaboration the student and teacher work to reach mutually agreeable solutions that help the student to learn socially appropriate behavior. The CPS model enhances relationships, improves communication, helps students to learn empathy, and how to resolve disagreements in a manner that does not involve physical conflict.
WCH does not tolerate any bullying and we are aiming for zero bullying. WCH regards bullying as inappropriate behavior and students need to learn how to interact the right way. Often bullies do not realize their behavior is intimidating or harassing the other student. As a result WCH students will first use the signal and tell the other student “STOP” while using the cross-hand sweeping hand movement. If the bullying continues the student must notify an adult. Often this adult is the parent and the school needs parents to contact us so we can address the bullying.
The school can stop bullying if we know about it. The problem is we often don’t know. So we rely on everyone to communicate bullying situations. We ask that all students and families report bullying as soon as possible. A HIB form will be completed and the school will conduct an investigation. Both the district and the families will be notified of the plans to stop the bullying and the resolution of the problem. Sometimes the problem persists and we need to reteach behaviors to students.
Behavior Discipline Policy
WCH school rules follow district policies. Students and families are expected to follow school rules while on school property and school field trips. Students who do not follow school district and school rules will get consequences that are in alignment with Highline School District student policies.
The following types of consequences or discipline will be considered according to the incident, discipline practices and district policy:
- Reminders, warnings
- Parent Contact
- Loss of Privileges
- Community Service
- Referral to Principal
- Behavior Contract
- In-school Suspension
- Out-of-school Suspension
- Emergency Expulsion
- Change of School Placement
Parents learn about their child’s behavior through the Behavior Conduct form that is sent home. Parents should talk with students about their behavior. Sign the form and return it to school to show that they are aware of the behavior.
WCH is working towards the district goal of zero suspensions. When behavior is very unsafe then the consequence is suspension. This means students are not a part of the school program for a set period of time. There are out-of-school suspensions and in-school suspensions depending on the behavior. We will continue to have out-of-school suspensions in excessively unsafe situations.