Great Reads
The War that Saved My Life
by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
Year Published: 2015
Historical Fiction
Ada looks at the streets of London outside from her apartment window. Her abusive mother keeps her locked in the house because she is embarassed by Ada's disability, a club foot. The world opens up to Ada when World War Two leads to an opportunity to escape her mother's cruelty. The reader is along for the journey as Ada struggles to heal physically and emotionally.
Circus Mirandus
by Beasley
Year Published: 2015
Grandpa told Maich about a wonderful magical circus he wandered into when he was a boy. It seemed to be a fantastical place, too good to be true. Now Grandpa needs help to survive. Micah must find Circus Mirandus and convince the great Lightbender to keep an ancient promise to save grandpa's life.
by Sara Pennypacker
Year Published: 2008
2nd grade and older
Clementine just can't seem to stay out of trouble. She has to learn everything the hard way, and, in spite the trouble she stirs up, we are charmed by her rambunctious personality.
by Jerry Spinelli
Year Published: 2000
4th grade and older
Crash Coogan is a seventh-grade football star who has been making his less than popular neighbor Penn's life miserable for years. This book entertains as it teaches an important life lesson.
Home, and Other Big, Fat Lies
by Jill Wolfson
Year Published: 2006
4th grade and older
Whitney has spent most of her life in and out of foster homes, so she doesn't expect much when she ends up with her 12th foster family. This logging family in the Redwoods of Northern California has fallen on hard times with the ban on cutting trees to protect the spotted owl, so they take in Whitney to help make ends meet. She is sure that her loud and brash attitude will result in more rejection. Read to find out if Whitney is right.
by Palacio
Year Published: 2012
5th grade and older
Wonder is a remarkable book about a boy born with a birth defect so severe that makes people gasp when they see him. He has been sheltered from the public for most of his young life, but mom has decided that it is time for him to go to school and adjust to life in a larger world. His first year in middle school show is often tough, showing the ugly and the beautiful parts of human nature.