
White Center Heights Elementary School
10015 6th Avenue SW Seattle, WA 98146

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

White Center Heights Elementary School
10015 6th Avenue SW Seattle, WA 98146

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Learning Links

Here are some learning links to try.  Click on the icon and play, learn, discover, explore!

King County Library System

Homework help, teen study zone, story times and more at your local King County Library

Web portal filled with lots of information for kids, teens, parents


Play math & reading games with Fun Brain

Random House

Activities with magic tree House, Junie B. Jones and other books by Random House


Play it, Read it, Make it, Share it with Highlights for Kids!

e-learning for kids

Learning activities, each sorted by grade level and subjects with e-learning for kids

National Geographic for Kids

Learn about animals, science, nature and more

Different authors and books for all ages

PBS Kids

Activities and games with your favorite characters from PBS


Online, digital library with thousands of books to choose from. See your teacher if you don't know your log in #

Guys Write for Guys Read

Written by guys, for guys who need ideas on good books & stuff that guys like to read

Time for Kids

Current news events and articles of interest for kids of all ages

Face Monster

Find factual information on just about anything and everything on Fact Monster!